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  • Robert was Senior Design Engineer for Electro-Explosive Subsystems For 17 Earth-orbiting Satellites, 3 Upper Stage boosters (rockets) and 2 primary Space Launch Vehicles.

    In this next photo, Robert is guiding the placement and insertion of the Perigee Kick Motor into the Solrad 11 Series Spacecraft, just prior to launch. This Solid Rocket Motor develops 5,000 pound force when it is ignited and burns for 60 seconds.

  • Pete Wilhelm with his side-kick Robert. Here is one of the few engineers that Robert has encountered who won the coveted:
    ''The Robert Palma Award For Chief Engineer of the Chief Engineers'.

    They're only drinking grape juice ... really.

  • Award ceremonies with Commanding Officers of Naval Research Laboratory.

    Last photo is NRL Directory of Research, Dr. Tim Coffey

    Just a few mementos...

    And so is the evolution from long hair to short hair ... errr ... no hair.

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